经过近四十年的科研积累和历练,形成了云南省温带水果产业技术省级创新团队、蔬菜种质资源评价与利用等果蔬技术研发团队,先后有苹果、梨、桃、大宗蔬菜等果蔬研究进入国家现代农业产业技术体系。参与完成的“南方砂梨产业升级关键技术研究与推广”获2011年国家科技进步二等奖,主持完成的“云南外销蔬菜可持续发展关键技术集成创新与应用” 获2012年度云南省科学技术进步二等奖。选育出云茄系列、云椒系列、云白菜系列、云红梨系列、云苹果系列等果蔬新品种50余个。研究提出的高山夏秋冷凉蔬菜高效栽培、果树可持续发展技术、果树高光效树形改造技术在低纬高原果蔬产业发展中发挥出了重要的作用。
Horticultural Research Institute
Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
The Horticultural Research Institute, established in 1978, is one of the 15 research institutes of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which is a non-profit organization devoted to science-based agricultural development in Yunnan province. There is a staff of about 50 in the institute, of which, 36 are technical staff, including 15 senior researchers.
The mandate of the institute is mainly focused on vegetables, fruit trees, mushroom and ornamental plant. Our mission is to increase the productivity and quality of vegetable crops and fruits through the development of new varieties and generation of new technologies; to improve the health of consumers, and ensure environmental sustainability.
The major activities of the institute were focused on investigation,collection and preservation of germplasm and breeding of horticultural crops in Yunnan. A Yunnan Rootstock Nursery for Distinctive Fruits of National Fruit Germplasm was established in the institute. About 1200 accessions of fruit germplasm and samples in 28 families,47genus and 98 species were collected and preserved in the nursery. About 2300 accessions of vegetables, 300 kinds of wild mushroom, 70 cultivated mushroom varieties and 45 landscape plants were collected and preserved in the institute.
Breeding programs for good quality, high yielding and multiple resistances are stressed on chilli pepper, Chinese cabbage, eggplant, melon, pear, apple, strawberry, edible mushroom and so on. Many elite varieties or cultivars were developed and released to the farmers. Another important role of the institute is to generate new technologies for producing safe vegetables and fruits for consumers.
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